Working Papers

“Social Polarization and Civil Conflict” , book (with Debraj Ray).

“Love Thy Immigrant. The Political Economy of Immigration Policy” , with Massimo Morelli and Dominic Rohner.

“Liberty, Equality and Religiosity” , with Gilat Levy and Laura Mayoral.

“Income Inequality and Social Conflict” , with Laura Mayoral and Debraj Ray.

“Ethnicity and Conflict: An Empirical Study” , with Laura Mayoral and Debraj Ray, January 2011, revise and resubmit for the American Economic Review.

“Strategic Mass Killings” , with Massimo Morelli and Dominic Rohner, May 2010, submitted to the Journal of Political Economy.

“Leadership in Collective Action” , with Esther Hauk, April 2009, revised September 2010.

“Government Information Transparency” , with Facundo Albornoz and Paolo Vanin, November 2010, revise and resubmit for the Journal of the European Economic Association..

“Ethnic and Religious Polarization and Social Conflict” , with Laura Mayoral, November 2009, revision January 2011.